Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Godong Ijo

Hari ini SD Global Mandiri field trip ke Godong Ijo di Depok. It was fun. Pertama, anak-anak di ajak untuk menyaksikan tayangan tentang global warming dan bermain bernyanyi. Setelah itu

1.    Which province that kadal hidung pesek comes from?
2.    How ostrich defend itself from the enemy?
3.    How fast can the ostrich run?
4.    Mention One of the ingredients to make tempe!
5.    What Plants that can be used to maintain the black color of the hair?
6.    Mention the tools that we need to make bamboo pencil box!
7.    What is the main food of the turtle?
8.    What is the main food of the python ball?
9.    What is the medium we can use to substitute the soil for planting plant?

10.  Write down your experience in a short paragraph when visiting godong ijo.

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